What is PMU? Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing is a cosmetic procedure that uses a tattoo machine and pigments to implant color into the skin's dermis, creating a natural-looking, long-lasting makeup effect. The service will last anywhere from 1-4 years before you need to get it redone/touched up.

Powder brows 

Powder brows can be super soft and natural or bold and dramatic just depending on your preference!

Powder brows are defined as a filled in brow style almost like a shadow of the perfect brow shape.

This style of brow is suitable for all skin types and all ages!

These can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months without needing to touch them again after your 6-8 week touch up which is included with your appointment.

ombre brows 

Ombre brows can be defined as like the ideal makeup look. They have soft fronts and more definition as you get towards the tails.

This style of brow is suitable for all skin types and all ages!

These can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months without needing to touch them again after your 6-8 week touch up which is included with your appointment.



Before every appointment we will have a consultation to figure out your brow goals, style likes & dislikes? This is why we do the consultation before!


During the mapping, we take into  account your natural hair, the pattern of which it grows, bone structure, and natural brow arches to figure out whats best for you and your new brows!


Once everything is confirmed, we tattoo! This is the shortest part of the entire appointment. 


Once were done and you take the final look we go over aftercare and what it’ll be like for you and your new brows for the next 2 weeks!

Contraindications for PMU

If any of these apply to you then you will not be a candidate for PMU until resolved.

-Botox or filler HAS TO BE DONE 6 weeks before the appointment.

-Pregnant or lactating.

- Epileptic / experience fainting spells / seizures.

-Currently using Retin-A or Retinol products, must discontinue couple weeks before the appointment.

-Sensitives or allergies to pigments or makeup ingredients.

-Must be off accutane or tretinoin for at one whole year.

-Any heart conditions or high blood pressure.

-Have Glaucoma and/ or are taking any blood thinning medications.

-Have eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea on or around the eyebrows.

- Hepatitis(A&B), HIV, any blood borne diseases.

-Have had cancer, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy within the last 6 months.

-Autoimmune disorders, anyone with diabetes will need a doctors note to proceed(diabetes and autoimmune will prolong healing)

-Currently on any antibiotics.


how long do they last?

They will last anywhere from 1-4 years before you come back in for your annual touch up appointment! Within 1-4 years they will significantly fade and that’s why you come back in for an annual to keep them looking fresh and new! Some people can also go even longer, some can go the exact time everyone’s skin is completely different!

how do you decide on the color?

The color is 100% based off of your skin tone and undertones so that it blends in and it looks the most natural so your not all brows!

do you remove any hair?

I always like to map with as much of your natural hair in the brow shape as possible! This way it’s less maintenance that you have to keep up with and gives the most natural look for your brows.

will i ever need makeup again?

YES YES YES. Permanent makeup isn’t made to completely take out your makeup! It’s meant for you to wake up and go without having to draw your brows in everyday, and if you want a bolder / darker look you can add makeup OVER the tattooed brows! Makeup is ON the skin, not IN.